It should also show your head and shoulders and not be a group shot. This means no party pics, goofy faces or novelty photos. Your LinkedIn photo doesn’t have to be taken by an expert, and it doesn’t even require that you dress formally, but it should at least look somewhat respectable. LinkedIn has a step-by-step guide on building an effective profile.īuilding it from scratch can be daunting, so have a look through some good examples ( here’s a nice list of profiles recommended by LinkedIn) and see how you can make yours individual to you. It’s an accessible, unique description of you and your strengths – more conversational and less formal than a CV, but still professional and within a formula.

Your LinkedIn profile is not just a copied and pasted CV. Here’s a quick LinkedIn guide to getting you started. Once your set up, LinkedIn is a platform that can give you satisfaction and even find you new work. Whether you are using LinkedIn to network, show off your brilliant work, or look for a new job, it’s important to know how to use this incredibly useful platform. Think of it like having an email address: easy to set up and essential to have. Regardless of whether one sees imperfections with LinkedIn, it’s a vital step in landing a job and maintaining a career.