Under Claudius, the Armenians and Parthians had revolted, and the proconsul had been unable to uphold the prestige of the Roman arms. A series of regulations either abrogated or lessened the hardships of direct taxation, the arbitrariness of legislation and provincial administration, so that Rome and the empire were delighted, and the first five years of Nero's government were accounted the happiest of all time, regarded by Trajan as the best of the imperial era. The first years of Nero's reign, under the direction of Burrus and Seneca, the real holders of power, were auspicious in every way. Agrippina had expected to be a partner of her son in the government, but owing to her autocratic character, this lasted only a short time. All the better dispositions of his nature had been stifled by his sensuality and moral perversity. He believed himself to be a great singer and poet. 37, and was seventeen years old when he became emperor. Nero was born in Antium on 15 December, A.D.

These men were the advisers and chief supporters of Nero on his becoming emperor, after the sudden death of Claudius. Annaeus Seneca appointed his tutor, and caused the freedman Afranius Burrus, a rough but experienced soldier, to be made commander of the Praetorian guard. Nero's mother had a mind to commit any crime to put him on the throne, and to prepare him for this station she had L. After the violent death of his first wife, Valeria Messalina, Emperor Claudius married Julia, adopted her son Nero and gave him in marriage his own daughter, Octavia.

Nero, the last Roman emperor (reigned 54-68) of the Julian-Claudian line, was the son of Domitius Ahenobarbus and Julia Agrippina, niece of Emperor Claudius. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more all for only $19.99. Please help support the mission of New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download.